Javascript / General

Coding in a new language I am not familiar with

Coding in a new language I am not familiar with

Javascript/General · March 20, 2019 at 2:27pm

Coding in a new language I am not familiar with

Javascript / General · March 20, 2019 at 2:27pm (Edited 5 years ago)

Have you ever solved a problem using a language you are not familiar with? You did, either when you were beginner or you wanted to experiment with some language.

I remember once I solved my friends C++ assignment without knowing a single piece of C++ code, or help python kids solve their coding problem without looking into python codebase.

Nim is a bit similar to python, I knew a bit of python, it's obvious I was able to write the code. Pretty impressive of me, patting my own back.

But reason why I am sharing is the how I could write a solution without knowing the syntax much.

Here is the biggest secret,

Programming is not about a language, it's about solving a problem.

Of course I had to search a lot and fail a lot.

The nim in action book is good, but it's the age of videos. Right now there is not a single crash course about nim on the youtube. I had to rely on the documentation and forum, which means there are opportunities for this.

Next time I will try rust and crystal. Both are fairly new to me. I am just playing around with cool stuff and will probably give up at some point.

Do you have any such experience? How did you tackle that?

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March 20, 2019 at 3:12pm

I know what you mean Tahy. I am not writing the code, and don't know the basic syntax of programming languages, but was able to give solutions just by trying to solve the problem.

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    It's call it logic

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