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Trailer Gaurdian Brand

Trailer Gaurdian Brand

UI/UX šŸ’©Ā /Ā FeedbackĀ Ā·Ā June 1, 2019 at 4:16pm (Edited 5 years ago)

I'm creating a logo for a product called "Trailer Gaurdian". It's a special hitch attachment that prevents trailers or anything else being pulled to come loose. Here's my first draft for a logo for this product. I would love some feedback so I can perfect this for a website I will build later on. Also, what font would you recommend to portray a 'heavy duty' look, but isn't obvious (like the Impact font). Thanks in advance for anyone willing to lend a hand!

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June 2, 2019 at 7:54pm

I know its not some feedback, but wanted to jump into converastion

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    June 3, 2019 at 5:40am

    @kinderminder It's a trailer hitch and a shield, thanks for commenting! If you're having trouble recognizing the shape from a distance, that could be the case for other people as well. I'll take that into account once I play with more options.

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