UX Store / General

Looking for a product designer for UX Store

Looking for a product designer for UX Store

UX Store/General · May 20, 2019 at 3:01pm

Looking for a product designer for UX Store

UX Store / General · May 20, 2019 at 3:01pm (Edited 6 years ago)

Hey guys, this is Marc from UX Store. We are currently looking to incorporate a new member to our team who is long term oriented and willing to learn and contribute with great ideas.

  • What are we looking for ? We are looking for a product designer who is familiar with UX design who can help us to craft new useful tools for our store such as new stencils or rulers, you will be responsible to provide great ideas that are useful for demanding professionals following our technical guidelines.
  • What will you get in return ? Depending on your expertise and your willingness to contribute with new product ideas we will propose a compensation plan which can go from a monetary compensation to a long term partnership.

If you don't fit this role but know someone who would be interested feel free to share it with your acquaintances.

Our deadline is imminent so don't hesitate to get in touch with us filling our form below;



Best, Marc

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May 20, 2019 at 3:05pm

Great description 👌 @marcux , thanks for the help. Let's wait and see how many people will apply and what kind. 🙌

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