Vanila / Hugs and Bugs 🤗🐛

Disconnecting all the time causing other problems

Disconnecting all the time causing other problems

Vanila/Hugs and Bugs 🤗🐛 · March 16, 2019 at 3:26pm

Disconnecting all the time causing other problems

Vanila / Hugs and Bugs 🤗🐛 · March 16, 2019 at 3:26pm

I think that this issue where app is disconnecting all the time every XX seconds, causing problems in push notifications to not receive them properly, and also in emails being sent even I am online (or at least having app open).

The app is probably sending email cause it's disconnecting every XX seconds, and that probably triggers that we are offline and send us email, even I am in active chat with Lauri @xet7 .

@taher-github can u remind me, what is disconnect caused by?

Load previous messages

April 9, 2019 at 4:01pm

The server on SG is not a problem. The api on the server is easily overloaded (100MB to 700MB+ ram usage in 15 minutes) and not scaled properly.

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    April 9, 2019 at 6:03pm

    Sometimes it’s happen to me, the app disconnect and connect some few seconds later. Or when I’m sending a message it disconnect too

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      April 11, 2019 at 12:47pm

      Hey guys, @tahyaamir managed to improve CPU load by a lot. However, you still might see reconnecting to server messages, but the overall speed of community should be better.

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        Testing.... :)

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          Seems to work much faster :)

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            Huge thanks to @tahyaamir !! This speedup is excellent work !! Currently this seems to be very usable.

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              I don't notice any lags

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                and changing to other view loads fast

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                  to other parts of community

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                    Looks fine on my side! Sometimes my chat disconnects for 1 sec, but i blame my wifi! 😆

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                      April 11, 2019 at 2:48pm

                      Hey guys, glad you feel the improvement. There will be still disconnecting/reconnecting message, but @tahyaamir is working on it.

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                        April 11, 2019 at 6:07pm

                        I see reconnection sometimes when the server is busy. The error message says, "It looks like Vanila Community is very busy right now, please try again in a minute.", I need to dig deeper into this to make this more stable.

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                          Unfortunately my eyes are not in good condition, but I think I will figure something within next week if I am in good health.

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                            The marked area says it's much more stable right now. But even this stable has reconnection.

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                              Thanks for your support. Please bear with me. :)

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                                April 12, 2019 at 5:12pm

                                We are bearing with you Tahy , get rest ur eyes, and i need to do the same, cause i have foggy sight for last 4-5 days

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                                  June 10, 2019 at 3:36am

                                  I'm still getting these disconnects every minute or two consistently.

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                                    June 10, 2019 at 4:58pm

                                    Yeah I'm facing the same problem since day 1 😞

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                                      June 11, 2019 at 1:25am

                                      sorry to hear that guys. Community is not perfectly deployed and that will happen in future once we release main projects, where main public communication will be here. So we will need it to be smooth for sure.

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                                        June 11, 2019 at 12:48pm

                                        Hello community, We need the community for some real projects we have. So I was bound to look into this issue sooner or later.

                                        Today, I was monitoring the community whole day related to this problem. It looks like there are two major points related to this problem.

                                        First is the response time. The community api takes as long as 1 second (1000ms) to respond, which is a nightmare. Usually this should be kept at most 200-400ms.

                                        Second is related to the first point, the websocket cannot keep alive more than 1 minute. It reconnects every minute depending on the region.

                                        We are supposed to re-deploy this with some tweaks and updates, then let everyone know what went wrong. If anyone can provide a helping hand, I'll be glad.

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                                          Oh, one more important point. I think second point above is a issue with nginx on the deployment related to proxy_connect_timeout.

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                                            @fahimmd @joshwcorbett I applied some tweaks, so let me know if the reconnection issue is a bit better or not.

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                                              June 14, 2019 at 7:37pm

                                              The connection issues are no more! Thanks @tahyaamir!

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