Wekan / Feature Request
Evening everybody,
First of all, forgive me, I am not a coder, at best I am an enthusiastic amateur!
I am in the process of building a non-for-profit, community-led company that will travel the world trying to help areas find and leverage their strengths and build out of poverty. I have been a committed user of FOSS for the last 10 years and want to make FOSS the centre of my business.
However, I am a terrible planner! So I have started investigating using Evernote and Trello. I love Evernote and do have a subscription with them. However, I haven't used Trello properly yet. I was about to pay for a business account tonight, but randomly found Wekan in the Ubuntu store and did some digging and realised it's exactly what I'm looking for.
However, whilst I haven't used Trello properly yet, what I have done is set up a zap in Zapier that triggers when I created a note in Evernote with a specific tag. When Zapier sees that note tag, it goes to Trello and creates a card in my 'Inbox' list in my default board. That means Evernote is my one-stop-shop for the start of my process and means that I don't have to create to-dos twice.
Now, as I say, I'm not a coder, but I can't help thinking that it would be quite straightforward to set up a macro in Zapier that would allow the same functionality I've got with Trello, where an Evernote tag will trigger Zapier to create a new card in my default Wekan board. Having that interoperability between Evernote and Wekan would be essential for me, otherwise I need to stick with Trello.
Is this something that could be looked into please? I can see you have a system of 'bounty' contributions for helping to move the project forward, how exactly does that work?
I hope that this is something that can be achieved, I'd really like to make Wekan my PM system of choice.
Also, if anyone knows of a FOSS version of Evernote that works across platforms and allows me to email items and articles to it, please let me know.
Kind regards, Stu