Wekan / General
I can change the color of a swimlane bar in the GUI, and there is a color parameter in the swimlane for a color attribute.
I do not see a PUT for swimlanes listed in the api doc and I did not see it in the code on first review.
I tried added a "color" attribute to the body payload on a POST swimlane. It creates the swimlane in the default grey.
Where do I look to color a swimlane bar through the api? Thanks
Right now if the api does not have these somewhere... the easiest way for me to do this quickly and permanently is to put a additional node.js server on the same machine running wekan and have it add the color attribute to each swimlane as it created (make a second api to poke to mongo wekan database collection swimlanes). I looked in mongo and swimlane records are created without a color value. If you add one in the gui you see the additional attribute.