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ASP.NET Core / General

Dapper VS EF Core

Dapper VS EF Core

ASP.NET Core / General · June 15, 2019 at 6:46am (Edited 6 years ago)

I like to call it as comparing of an auto-generated SQL to the one written by a good developer.

In Dapper it is simply

using (IDbConnection db = new SqlConnection(@"YourConnectionString"))
return db.Query
($"select top 5000 * from users").ToList();

In EF Core, we can do in either ways. From SQL or letting the library generate the query.

using (var db = new EFCore2TestContext())
return db.Users.FromSql("Select top 5000 * from users").AsNoTracking().ToList();
//return db.Users.Take(5000).AsNoTracking().ToList();

Looking in to the results, we can say Dapper is faster than the Entity Frame Core 2. And it is a matter of peoples' interest. If performance is your biggest concern, Use dapper. And if the concern is in saving development time, use entity framework instead with compromising a little bit on performance.

courtesy :

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