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Growth Hackers / General

Copywriting basics

Copywriting basics

Growth Hackers / General · March 12, 2019 at 12:35pm (Edited 6 years ago)

I was doing some research about copywriting, since I need to finish text on community homepage and I delay it for sometime.

I found this two interesting videos which is worth to check.

5 Copywriting Tips For Beginners

from the video:

Most people talk about themself. Me me me me me me. I've been in business for 15 years, i dont all this things, here is why we are so good, here is what we do.
focus on their needs, on their problems, on their ego
Who gives a fuck ...
Your customers don't care about you. They care about themself.
So you need to write something which will engage them in a way that they feel safe going with you.

Check this video as well

9 Copywriting Exercises you can start doing “write” now

Also, this website have collections of good copywriting of headlines, landing pages and other

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March 19, 2019 at 1:04am

Tnx for this, it's very useful to me now!

    Glad you like it :)

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      March 31, 2019 at 8:29pm

      that's a part of my job .. merci Stefan

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        March 31, 2019 at 10:52pm

        that's a part of my job .. merci Stefan

          Hey, glad you find it useful. It really means to know some crucial and basics things before u start writing copy for ur next landing page or ad.

          Ofc copywriting is skill for it self, but its always good to know it

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            Actually i use it for social media , sometimes i struggle to find the right caption or the right copy

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              but the tips in the video are really helpful

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                Indeed. Btw, I am not saying the copy on landing page is correct. But since i wanted to launch it asap i used some reference from videos above.

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                  yes it is an art itself

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                    April 2, 2019 at 2:31pm

                    @kinderminder would love some insights from someone who grew huge social media platforms on where to next? I'm growing in a steady pace, got an engagement I'm happy with but if there's anything I can do more?

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                      April 3, 2019 at 1:31am

                      @kinderminder would love some insights from someone who grew huge social media platforms on where to next? I'm growing in a steady pace, got an engagement I'm happy with but if there's anything I can do more?

                        I am glad to talk about it in separate thread, since its kinda different topic. I am thinking to write about my story and how I started with Instagram growth

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