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Growth Hackers

Growth topics, SEO, social media marketing, strategies and anything related to marketing.

Growth Hackers / General

What are you coolest/simplest hacks

What are you coolest/simplest hacks

Growth Hackers / General · October 28, 2019 at 1:23pm

we all do little smart things that are just COOL!

lets share...

One of mine was - a competitor was shutting down their site.

So we wrote a nice blog saying how good they were and how we would love to give their customers a nice new home.

Put a little budget to promote target their users on Google and lots of their users came across.

It doesn't have to be cut throat - in fact they wrote a blog in return and listed us as alternatives.

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October 29, 2019 at 5:01pm

I did all kind of growth hacks tactics in the past, not sure which is the coolest/simplest , but I remember getting on a front page of Digg, which was in that moment in top 100 sites in US.

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    Digg sent me 100k unique visitors in 24h, made me $300 that day on ads and bringed a tons of backlinks

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