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Ruby is an object-oriented programming language

Ruby / General

What is this community ?

What is this community ?

Ruby / General · September 8, 2019 at 11:58am

I am a backend developer using Ruby everyday for more than three years. I really like this language and I only can admit the community is a little bit separated in two parts : Rails and core developers, mainly.

Ruby hasn't been a first-choice language for a while now, but we never know, it could come back (Ruby 3 has been announced performant) - with this point in head, we should continue to communicate together, create things, make the ecosystem better and create a Ruby developers network. This is what this community is intended for.

I would like to see great people coming here, asking for Ruby-related questions and create projects together.

September 8, 2019 at 3:15pm

hey @atille I am glad to see this community. Hopefully it will grow

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    By default new communities are not shown on Explore Page, to prevent the spam.

    But if you plan to grow this community, share some content, i will make it on Explore page

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