UI/UX 💩 / General

Hello folks,

Hello folks,

UI/UX 💩 / General · January 16, 2020 at 3:19pm

Have anyone here work on a timesheet webapp?

I had hard time trying to fit this much information on a single page.

I was wondering, if i could find any inspiration or solution for this kind of interface, from datasheet to cards, weeks, employee, time.

Thanks you all.

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January 17, 2020 at 9:11pm

Yes, but at this point, i think it requires à mobile app, the web app, will only be addaptative to ipad... The HR people mainly work on desktop, the mobile version will be for the staff so they can input thier work time.

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    This are the interfaces to input time once u've click on a specific day, i'm planning to work them again so these one are mobile adaptative since its gonna be a main use on mobile (input working time and task).

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