UI/UX 💩 / General

What if Uber took over your democracy?

What if Uber took over your democracy?

UI/UX 💩 / General · March 27, 2019 at 7:27am

What if we woke up one day to find that the way we engage with our system of democracy, could be as easy as booking a ride on @Uber ? Performance based rating driving our leaders, a live tracking function to see if the nation is moving in the right direction and if promises made during election campaigns are arriving on time. 🚗

Personally, this feels like something all of us would be onboard with. 🚕

ELEC/UX/ION is a @dothedoubleclap concept aimed at learning from the best in UI/UX today, with the intention of solving macro problems in governance and politics.

Check out this post on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvfl1JtDirN/


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March 27, 2019 at 8:20am

Indeed, same thing everywhere..

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