UI/UX 💩 / Tips
Case study is basically another «design project», but how to build it? First of all, think about your viewer!
To make it easier for you, I’ll explain the «Case study» on the common storytelling technique:
«Three Act Structure» Every story is made of 3 parts:
1️⃣ Setup
2️⃣ Confrontation
3️⃣ Resolution
1️⃣ Setup (context)
📍What was this project about?
📍Who’s a client?
📍Who’s a hero (user)?
📍What were their goals?
📍What was your role and your plan?
2️⃣ Confrontation (process and thinking)
📍What was your user research process?
📍What were your insights?
📍How did these insights informed your solution?
📍What were your solution hypothesis that you wanted to test? ———
3️⃣ Resolution (testing and results)
📍How did the user testing went?
📍What were the detected issues?
📍How did you work with issues?
📍What were the project results and success metrics?