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Wekan is an open-source kanban board (Trello like) which allows a card-based task and to-do management.

Wekan / General

login, tokens and expiration

login, tokens and expiration

Wekan / General · April 14, 2020 at 5:01pm

Once you have registered and then logged in with Password you get a token with a token expiration date.

If you do not logout ,that token and its expiration determines how long you can go to the site before you have to re-authenticate, correct?

If you logout, is that token still good for the duration of the original expiration date or are you re-issued a new token with a further in future expiration date?

Where can I change that expiration to a longer or short time? (in the api) or (in the GUI) or (in mongo collection)

Can I remove the expiration time so it never times out? (in the api) or (in the GUI) or (in mongo collection)

Can I force the token to expire prematurely with no user activity for a while (like 4 hours)? (in the api) or (in the GUI) or (in mongo collection)

I have an application where for some features for some users are already logged into another application and for many accounts they all see wekan as a web page embed, so getting another challenge/response to auth into wekan is a limitation. Call it a trust relationship between the two apps. The mother app has a very high authentication hurtle (three keys and two factor). Trting to automate or at least streamline the auth back into wekan.

Thanks as always

April 15, 2020 at 12:49am

Hmm, it seems 2018 called again about token issue

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    April 15, 2020 at 3:09pm

    ok that issue is a good reference thank you

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        I may be incorrect in my assumptions

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          gui tokens have that attribute loginExpirationinDays or is that REST tokens?

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            I use both obviously

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              login expiration is a mongo setting in what collection?

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