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Wekan is an open-source kanban board (Trello like) which allows a card-based task and to-do management.

Wekan / General

Wekan for personal life

Wekan for personal life

Wekan / General · July 22, 2020 at 8:49pm

Hi Wekan fans, I am a new guy and considering switching to this as a main task management system. If you already use Wekan this way, I wonder what your setup is like?

Having played around with Wekan for one day, these questions came up (see context section below this section):

  1. What is the difference between labels, lists, swimlanes and boards? It sounds obvious but I'm curious in what way you use them.
  2. Why do swimlanes automatically have the same lists? Can't they be different?
  3. Checklists vs subtasks? Subtasks seems to automatically create a new board with new cards. I don't know how I feel about that.
  4. There doesn't seem to be a priority field or a way to sort tasks yet?

For context:

  1. I'm thinking of having one board for GTD (Getting Things Done), this will have link cards from other boards that relate to other areas of my life (Reading, House, Work, Exercise).
  2. If it didn't work this way, I probably would've only created one board with different swimlanes. The swimlanes themselves would be the different areas of my life.

For sure, I know there is not 100% right or wrong answers to these. But if I can model someone who is already having success with it, that would be awesome. I can speed up the process of becoming more organised.

Note: I still haven't explored the Calendar/Templates, maybe I will check them out and come back with more questions later.

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July 23, 2020 at 2:56am

For Emacs Org mode, there is also

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    The benefit of Leo is, that many .leo files can be open at the same time (they show in different tabs), and I can copy-paste subtree from one .leo file to another place in same or different .leo file

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      I have not yet "Leo-ized" Wekan code. It means, importing Wekan code to Leo, and then creating multiple views of code with clones, to organize and document Wekan code, and dig into details.

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        I did originally start to maintain Wekan at 2016-12 because I had imported my boards from Trello to Wekan, and in Wekan I have unlimited everything for free

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          scratching my own itch

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            Also, when managing Boards, I do "star" my most important current boards I'm working on, at top of Wekan screen

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              I can then rapidly change between those most important boards, like using bookmarks

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                When board is open, and you click board name, there can be also changed board Description. It is also visible at All Boards page

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                  And those board name, description etc can also have markdown and images with <img ...> HTML code

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                    July 23, 2020 at 6:52am

                    Re:3 - on a board have a look at the admin section for "subtask settings". In there you can configure a specfic list to add new subtasks.

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                      I use Wekan to organise most things from monthly backups to shopping lists. My only current irritation is that checklists on my subtasks are not copied when I copy the main item - the subtasks are duplicated but the only checklist carried forward correctly is the one on the main item. Other than that I find Wekan pretty much indispensable.

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                        July 23, 2020 at 2:00pm

                        And those board name, description etc can also have markdown and images with <img ...> HTML code

                          Thanks for always getting back to me lightning fast Lauri, I will take my time and try it out. I also like the idea of not relying on the limitations of any external provider.

                          One more question, do you have one board that 'unites' all the other boards? Or do you look through all the boards individually each day?

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