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Wekan is an open-source kanban board (Trello like) which allows a card-based task and to-do management.

Wekan / General

What is the default wekan Mongo DB user/pass

What is the default wekan Mongo DB user/pass

Wekan/General · December 17, 2020 at 4:22pm

What is the default wekan Mongo DB user/pass

Wekan / General · December 17, 2020 at 4:22pm

Just looked out the documentation. I cannot see where to find this information.

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December 18, 2020 at 4:14am

But that means attachments are in files.json and chunks.json files, so one file can be in one or more base64 encoded chunk, in same chunks.json

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    It's possible to save those to files with nosqlbooster or some mongodb gridfs driver

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      Sometime I'll make API for file upload/download

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        depends when I get it working

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