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Wekan is an open-source kanban board (Trello like) which allows a card-based task and to-do management.

Wekan / General

Production ready alternative to snapd

Production ready alternative to snapd

Wekan / General · February 15, 2020 at 1:51am (Edited 5 years ago)


while I would love to install wekan on my server I am struggling on which method I should go for. Snapd is unfortunately not an option because my VPS does not support snapd installations. I have installed docker on my server but within the docs of wekan its sounds like its not a good solution for production deployments. Could someone please tell me which route I should go for or are they any good alternatives?

I am also not a fan of Univention, Sandstorm or paid services.


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February 15, 2020 at 2:35am

There is Digital Ocean etc cheap providers

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    and you can also run snap in any bare metal, KVM/XEN/HyperV/VirtualBox/VMware etc

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      Upcloud, Hetzner, AWS, Azure

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        Wekan runs on any laptop or desktop that has for example Ubuntu or Debian Linux installed

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          I think snapd was and is excellent to handle a dev environment, even thought I am used manually scripting everything, adjusting everything carefully and then commiting those procedures to a devops strategy with aws, google, etc plugins to terraform. So I agree, BUT

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            when wekan gets deployment in a production environment with hooks across servers sharing a mongo (a master slave system) there is not an easy path to doing that with Snap.

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              So I for one would like a more precise external set of bash level controls that like every other system I create lets me handle security (like authentication to mongo) and load balancing of both wekan services and databases.

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                So snap is great to build something easily and quickly. Then what happens?

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                  For bash level controls, you download bundle that is for x86_64 from and install it similarly like RasPi bundle:

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                    and start it as service

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                      for that, only node + mongodb is required

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                        or actually,when you already have mongodb somewhere, only node

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                          that bundle does run on any server, also on those that have some kernel restrictions or OpenVZ

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                            For external mongodb, it mongodb requires login, you can add username and password and IP address etc to MONGO_URL

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                              It's also possible to use some part of bash autoupgrade script, if you need automatic upgrades

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                                there is some regex to download newest bundle

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                                  after downloading, unzip it, stop service, rename directories, start service

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                                    February 15, 2020 at 12:36pm

                                    thank you for that detail

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                                      with those scripts we would be using mongo auth (unlike with the snap config where mongo is private (localhost) and with auth on mongo not enabled)?

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                                        February 15, 2020 at 2:10pm


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                                          Use urlencode for special characters

                                          MONGO_URL=mongodb://myDBReader:D1fficultP%[email protected]:27017/admin


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                                            or: MONGO_URL=mongodb://myDBReader:D1fficultP%[email protected]:27017/wekan

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                                              depends what database name is in your database instance

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                                                there can me multiple databases, like in one MySQL server instance can be multiple databases

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                                                  with different names

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