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Wekan is an open-source kanban board (Trello like) which allows a card-based task and to-do management.

Wekan / General

Production ready alternative to snapd

Production ready alternative to snapd

Wekan / General · February 15, 2020 at 1:51am (Edited 5 years ago)


while I would love to install wekan on my server I am struggling on which method I should go for. Snapd is unfortunately not an option because my VPS does not support snapd installations. I have installed docker on my server but within the docs of wekan its sounds like its not a good solution for production deployments. Could someone please tell me which route I should go for or are they any good alternatives?

I am also not a fan of Univention, Sandstorm or paid services.


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February 15, 2020 at 2:51am

So I for one would like a more precise external set of bash level controls that like every other system I create lets me handle security (like authentication to mongo) and load balancing of both wekan services and databases.

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    So snap is great to build something easily and quickly. Then what happens?

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      For bash level controls, you download bundle that is for x86_64 from and install it similarly like RasPi bundle:

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        and start it as service

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          for that, only node + mongodb is required

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            or actually,when you already have mongodb somewhere, only node

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              that bundle does run on any server, also on those that have some kernel restrictions or OpenVZ

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                For external mongodb, it mongodb requires login, you can add username and password and IP address etc to MONGO_URL

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                  It's also possible to use some part of bash autoupgrade script, if you need automatic upgrades

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                    there is some regex to download newest bundle

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                      after downloading, unzip it, stop service, rename directories, start service

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                        February 15, 2020 at 12:36pm

                        thank you for that detail

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                          with those scripts we would be using mongo auth (unlike with the snap config where mongo is private (localhost) and with auth on mongo not enabled)?

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                            February 15, 2020 at 2:10pm


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                              Use urlencode for special characters

                              MONGO_URL=mongodb://myDBReader:D1fficultP%[email protected]:27017/admin


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                                or: MONGO_URL=mongodb://myDBReader:D1fficultP%[email protected]:27017/wekan

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                                  depends what database name is in your database instance

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                                    there can me multiple databases, like in one MySQL server instance can be multiple databases

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                                      with different names

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                                        February 16, 2020 at 10:09am

                                        Thanks for your answers :) I really would like to stick with my current provider also because I have recently upgraded my package. The Bash script looks promising. Regarding security concerns if managed correctly is it a solid alternative to snapd?

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                                          I am also thinking about putting the bash setup into a docker container.

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                                            The bundle is really interesting. So I could just serve the node module on my server. You have both discussed this somehow in the previous posts.

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                                              February 16, 2020 at 5:18pm

                                              @dabor It's the same Wekan code on bash script, Snap and Docker. Only difference is that Snap and Docker provide sandboxing. There is not any difference in features etc.

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                                                There is also docker-compose.yml at . With it, you could change MONGO_URL to point to extenal mongodb, and remove wekan-db container from that docker-compose.yml .

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                                                  For that bash autoupgrade script, some Wekan contributor made it, and it did work for him to get Wekan automatically upgraded. That script is for Debian 9, so most likely you need only that part that does upgrading. Or just create your own script that downloads , unzips it, stops service, renames directories, starts service

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