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Wekan is an open-source kanban board (Trello like) which allows a card-based task and to-do management.

Wekan / General

Sync Admin Status

Sync Admin Status

Wekan / General · July 2, 2020 at 10:30am

Hey there.

I hope someone can help me with my problem here.

I setup wekan in docker and got LDAPS over port 636 working all fine.

I now want to sync a specific group as an administrator group, that's where I get errors and cannot login anymore at all.

[INFO] LDAP connected
[INFO] Binding UserDN "PATH"
[INFO] Searching user "USERNAME"
[DEBUG] searchOptions {
"filter": "(&(sAMAccountName=USERNAME))",
"scope": "sub",
"sizeLimit": 0
[INFO] Search result count 1
[INFO] Authenticating "PATH"
[INFO] Authenticated "PATH"
[DEBUG] Identifying user with: sAMAccountName
[INFO] Querying user
[DEBUG] userQuery {
"": "786e31231231235"
[INFO] Logging user
[DEBUG] Updating admin status
Exception while invoking method 'login' TypeError: ldap.getUserGroups(...).filter is not a function
at MethodInvocation.<anonymous> (packages/wekan-ldap/server/loginHandler.js:185:61)
at packages/accounts-base/accounts_server.js:462:31
at tryLoginMethod (packages/accounts-base/accounts_server.js:1291:14)
at AccountsServer._runLoginHandlers (packages/accounts-base/accounts_server.js:460:22)
at MethodInvocation.methods.login (packages/accounts-base/accounts_server.js:520:31)
at MethodInvocation.methodMap.<computed> (packages/mdg:meteor-apm-agent/lib/hijack/wrap_session.js:161:30)
at packages/check/match.js:118:15
at Meteor.EnvironmentVariable.EVp.withValue (packages/meteor.js:1234:12)
at Object._failIfArgumentsAreNotAllChecked (packages/check/match.js:116:43)
at maybeAuditArgumentChecks (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:1768:18)
at packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:719:19
at Meteor.EnvironmentVariable.EVp.withValue (packages/meteor.js:1234:12)
at packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:717:46
at Meteor.EnvironmentVariable.EVp.withValue (packages/meteor.js:1234:12)
at packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:715:46
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at Session.method (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:689:23)
at packages/mdg:meteor-apm-agent/lib/hijack/wrap_session.js:52:38
at Meteor.EnvironmentVariable.EVp.withValue (packages/meteor.js:1234:12)
at Session.sessionProto.protocol_handlers.method (packages/mdg:meteor-apm-agent/lib/hijack/wrap_session.js:51:44)
at packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:559:43

Am I doing something wrong here? I can also give you an output of my compose-docker.yml:


Thanks in advance for any kind of help!

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July 2, 2020 at 1:50pm

by the way.. is there a way to change the order of authentication? I want LDAP to be my primary authentication mode so that I dont have to switch to it on each login.

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    August 9, 2020 at 9:35am

    Yes, at Admin Panel

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