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Wekan is an open-source kanban board (Trello like) which allows a card-based task and to-do management.

Wekan / General

VSCode Remote Container can't start debugging

VSCode Remote Container can't start debugging

Wekan/General · April 6, 2020 at 5:00pm

VSCode Remote Container can't start debugging

Wekan / General · April 6, 2020 at 5:00pm

Here is what I do:

  1. Remove docker-compose.extend.yml in devcontainer.json file.
  1. Open VSCode with Remote Container
  2. Switch to DEBUG pane and select Meteor: All profile then hit Run.
  3. Wait for 60 seconds and timeout. Nothing shows on browser.
  4. Here is the ps fax result in the container.
117 ? Ssl 0:00 /home/wekan/.vscode-server/bin/26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0/node -e ....const net = require('net'); ....process.stdin.pause(); ....const client = net.createConnection({ port: 38877 }, () => { .....client.pipe(process.stdout); .....process.stdin.pipe(client); ....}); ....client.on('close', function (hadError) { .....process.exit(hadError ? 1 : 0); ....}); ....client.on('error', function (err)
102 ? Ssl 0:00 /home/wekan/.vscode-server/bin/26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0/node -e ....const net = require('net'); ....process.stdin.pause(); ....const client = net.createConnection({ port: 38877 }, () => { .....client.pipe(process.stdout); .....process.stdin.pipe(client); ....}); ....client.on('close', function (hadError) { .....process.exit(hadError ? 1 : 0); ....}); ....client.on('error', function (err)
80 ? Ssl 0:00 /home/wekan/.vscode-server/bin/26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0/node /tmp/vscode-ssh-auth-f0a74a012ff84110948f68a2f84927e115610e63.sock.js
56 ? Ss 0:00 sh /home/wekan/.vscode-server/bin/26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0/ --disable-user-env-probe --port 0
62 ? Sl 0:00 \_ /home/wekan/.vscode-server/bin/26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0/node /home/wekan/.vscode-server/bin/26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0/out/vs/server/main.js --disable-user-env-probe --port 0
136 ? Sl 0:01 \_ /home/wekan/.vscode-server/bin/26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0/node /home/wekan/.vscode-server/bin/26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0/out/bootstrap-fork --type=extensionHost --uriTransformerPath=/home/wekan/.vscode-server/bin/26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0/out/vs/server/uriTransformer.js
221 ? Sl 0:00 | \_ /home/wekan/.vscode-server/bin/26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0/node /home/wekan/.vscode-server/bin/26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0/extensions/json-language-features/server/dist/jsonServerMain --node-ipc --clientProcessId=136
379 pts/0 Ss 0:00 | \_ /bin/sh
405 pts/0 S+ 0:00 | \_ watch ps -fax
703 pts/0 S+ 0:00 | \_ watch ps -fax
704 pts/0 S+ 0:00 | \_ sh -c ps -fax
705 pts/0 R+ 0:00 | \_ ps -fax
147 ? Sl 0:12 \_ /home/wekan/.vscode-server/bin/26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0/node /home/wekan/.vscode-server/bin/26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0/out/bootstrap-fork --type=watcherService
6 ? Ss 0:00 /bin/sh
1 ? Ss 0:00 sleep infinity
79 ? Z 0:00 [sh] <defunct>
520 ? Z 0:00 [node] <defunct>

How can I make it work in the container?

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April 7, 2020 at 1:17pm

Should I run npm install or meteor npm install?

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    April 7, 2020 at 3:12pm

    Hmm, maybe meteor npm install

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