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Wekan is an open-source kanban board (Trello like) which allows a card-based task and to-do management.

Wekan / General

Wekan mobile apps or PWA

Wekan mobile apps or PWA

Wekan / General · March 15, 2019 at 1:54pm

Hey Lauri, I am wondering what is the current state or plan for mobile apps on Wekan?

Do we have some alternative? What you think about PWA as solution, since it gives you ability to have both desktop and mobile apps which behave kind like native ones.

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March 18, 2019 at 5:35pm

@saurabh I don't know why. If you or anyone else finds MIT licensed code that helps implemeting PWA, he/she can add those links directly to

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    Nothing is selected yet

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      @saurabh I did read it, but did not understand what is the benefit.

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        How much javascript it is?

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          That graphql repo does not have license file. I can not use propietary code.

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            I use only MIT license code in Wekan.

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              Actually all Facebook open source projects are MIT License like react

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                Where is graphql license?

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                  Facebook didn’t add

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                    Then it's propietary

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                      No it’s an open source

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                        Like react , react native and all

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                          Where is the license? You did not answer

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                            user@user:~/repos/graphql$ du -sh node_modules/ 2,8M node_modules/

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                              What is that 2.8 MB of javascript?

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                                Some slowness?

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                                  Well, it's smaller that meteor that is 2 GB, but anyway, what does graphql do?

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                                    Isn't meteor going in Apollo stack direction, which GraphQL is part of ?

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                                      Apollo comes with graphql

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                                        But in backend graphql is always supporting for stitching your request api’s in a single string query request

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                                          I don't necessarily use Meteor or Apollo for PWA version of Wekan, I'm not thinking about backend yet.. First step is to get localstorage working.

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                                   It’s just an example if you thinks it’s so hard to implement drop out the idea.

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