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Wekan is an open-source kanban board (Trello like) which allows a card-based task and to-do management.

Wekan / General

Would you choose Meteor today?

Would you choose Meteor today?

Wekan / General · April 15, 2020 at 2:24pm (Edited 4 years ago)

I played around with Meteor in 2012, but in the end I left the framework behind because I felt that bigger projects would get pretty "bloated" over time. So I thought of Meteor as "suitable for smaller real-time based projects".

After working on Wekan for some time - would you choose Meteor again if you had to start over today? If not, which stack would you choose?

April 16, 2020 at 3:34am

That's a very hard question. I have looked does some other stack have all the same components that Wekan currently already has.

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    Also I did not select Meteor. Original author of Wekan mquandalle did. I did continue maintaining Wekan after Wekan already existed.

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      Well, I already burned by fingers with Go at some other work project. I was not able to get Go server binary on Windows Server so stable that it would not crash, without success, so not Go.

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        Rust takes huge amount of time to build that binary, and code is so cryptic, I can not figure out Rust.

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          I do like BaCon Basic + SQLite + webserver as single executeable and .db file. Writing that code was for very tiny example was nice. But it does not have all the libraries of Meteor etc.

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            I have looked Haxe a little, but not all required dependencies are there yet.

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