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Wekan / General

ldaps authentication

ldaps authentication

Wekan / General · January 27, 2020 at 11:08am

Hi everybody, i'm new on this community. I tried to find the solution before posting here. I'm trying to configure ldaps authentication in wekan and not able to do it. I verified that i can request Active Directory domain controller with ldapsearch and it's working well on 636 port ssl. I tried this config : snap set wekan ldap-encryption='true' snap set wekan ldap-encryption='ssl' snap set wekan ldap-port='636' snap set wekan ldap-ca-cert=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- putting the certicate key on one line, and i get the error message error: invalid configuration: "CERTIFICATE-----" (want key=value)

Is there another way to set the certificate in the application ? What am i doing wrong ?

If somebody could help me on this issue, i'll appreciate a lot. Thank you

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February 28, 2020 at 11:42am

you can use the primary dns name of the domain as domain controller (if everything is configured properly that is). Instead of giving the domain controller variable the name "" you just give it "" and every dc will be automatically queried.

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    as a reminder to all of you who don't know this: Microsoft will start blocking unsigned LDAP starting march 2020. Now is your last chance to switch to LDAPs without causing issues for your Users @xet7 : maybe this should be mentioned in the documentation

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      @derbolle You should add issue about that to

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        September 29, 2021 at 3:06am

        Hi, Below I send my settings on which ldap login from AD works. snap set wekan ldap-enable='true' snap set wekan ldap-host='domain.local' snap set wekan ldap-port='389' snap set wekan ldap-basedn='ou=yourou,dc=domain,dc=local' snap set wekan ldap-authentication='true' snap set wekan ldap-authentication-userdn='user' snap set wekan ldap-authentication-password='password' snap set wekan ldap-user-search-field='sAMAccountName' snap set wekan ldap-username-field='sAMAccountName'

          This works for me as well. I run wekan on ubuntu 18.04. Thanks you very much.

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