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Wekan is an open-source kanban board (Trello like) which allows a card-based task and to-do management.

Wekan / General

More Admin Users

More Admin Users

Wekan / General · December 17, 2020 at 4:24pm

So, I manage to make another user. Then I checked "admin" for another user. But some reason. I am the only one that gets the options like "+" for add boards. Which makes me only real admin user. Is that bug in my install. Or is there a difference between, me programmer main admin and other admins that I add to a board?

December 18, 2020 at 3:06am

In Admin Panel, you can edit other users and set other users as Admin, but those have access to everything, so be careful. At boards, you can click other user avatar and select permission BoardAdmin (or text admin) to allow those users to do deleting critical data ;)

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    December 18, 2020 at 7:45am

    My question was that. I another user does not have the right to add swim lanes or cards. And if I make them admin, they still do no get these rights. So I had to give away my personal admin user and password so they could adjust they board. So question was, when I set the admin to the other user, the other user did not get these access to everything. If my installation is broken. how do I check that ?

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      December 18, 2020 at 7:56pm

      Huh? Did you add that another user to same board, click that user avatar, and change permission to admin?

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        I do not mean you should give Admin Panel permission, as full admin

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          only board admin, at board

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            So at board sidebar, you click that user avatar and change from normal to admin. Only that step.

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              And at Admin Panel edit that user and Admin: No

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                But really, why should normal user reorder swimlanes?

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                  Normal user permissions were restricted exactly for the reason, that normal user would not mess up order of swimlanes, delete lists permanently etc

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                    So I think you should not give normal users any admin permissions

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                      Anyway, you can continue about permission discussion at and . For that 3377 I can open that issue after you have commented it.

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                        I did test it. When I at board clicked other user avatar, changed that user from normal to admin, and that user reloaded Wekan webpage, that user got rights now to reorder swimlanes, add lists, etc

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                          So it works for me

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                            But, that means, that admin user at board has right to delete lists permanently, so it loses data

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                              Another alternative would be, that I would add undo/redo for everything, and prevent all permanent deletion

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                                Anyway, in that issue because I got feedback that adding restrictions is critical, because some BoardAdmin did lose important list permanently, because Normal user deleted it, I did implement those restrictions for free, without any payment, ahead of any paying customers. The correct solution would have been for waiting for funding for .

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                                  So Wekan global community at GitHub issues can argue about what is the correct way to handle permissions.

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                                    Usually when something is added or changed, it's some back-and-forth is something new better and worse than old behaviour how Wekan works.

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                                      When someone asked for limitations, I already new at this comment that I will receve some feedback about this :D

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                                        Anyway, Wekan is combination of feedback from all Wekan global users

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                                          I have continued maintaining Wekan for 4 years, because I got posifive feedback, sometime even a little funding, etc

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                                            First year I maintained Wekan as a hobby

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                                              After that someone at GitHub issues suggested bounties, so I added bounties and my Commercial Support . Currently there is no bounties anymore, only Commercial Support is there.

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                                                Most of Wekan development still is by wordwide contributors of individuals and companies, and my free time. Only some part of development is funded by Commercial Support.

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